Road Block–Stay Home!
It’s been a long time since I have posted. I was warned about starting a blog and read that most people don’t keep it up. I guess I’m one of those people. It takes a lot of discipline to write a blog and keep it current. My apologies.
We’re living in a strange time now with the novel coronavirus and stay-at-home orders. I have plenty to do at home (one being to work on this blog) but I find myself still going crazy. I like being out and about and doing things.
One nice thing about these times is I have learned about Zoom. What a lifesaver. In fact, three of my friends and I are having a Zoom tea tomorrow afternoon. I made scones and lemon curd for everyone. I am delivering them this afternoon, making sure I keep my social distance. Tomorrow, the ladies will bake the scones, put on their pretty spring hats, brew up a favorite tea, and Zoom with each other. I can’t wait!
I put Wilson at the top of this post. I find myself taking a lot of photos these days although this Wilson photo is not mine. But I love it so I thought I would share it. My other favorite photo subject is flowers. Below is a photo I took a couple of years ago at Butchart Gardens.
Stay healthy and drink lots of tea. My favorite teas for the evening are peppermint, chamomile, or lemon ginger. These soothe my body and soul!